首页> 中文期刊> 《农业现代化研究》 >六盘山特困片区村域空间贫困调查与分析--以宁夏西吉县为例




B ased on the field survey data in X iji, N ingxia Province of the poverty rate, the poverty gap ratio, the SPG index,and the poverty affordability index,this paper em pirically analyzed the poverty situation of the sam pled villages. R esults show that the overall dynam ic convergence degree am ong E ngel coefficient, poverty rate and poverty gap ratio are higher in the landform areas and the ethnic villages.In addition,the poverty affordability index and the SPG index, w hich m easures the poverty intensity, present declining trends, indicating very positive sign for poverty alleviation. M eanw hile, the poverty alleviation tim e of the landform areas and ethnic villages is shortening each year, im plying significant achievem ent of poverty alleviation. H ow ever, the poverty breadth, depth and intensity of poverty villages in L oess hilly-gully region is am ong the highest and poverty alleviation are still a very challenging burden. T herefore to better target the villages in extrem e poverty requires a w ell-designed m ulti-dim ensional questionnaire, poverty relieve policies w ith consideration ofbalance,regionalcharacteristic,regionalresource endow m ents.Italso requires a dynam ic technology m onitoring system and an innovative m anagem entsystem .%基于贫困农户的调研数据,采用贫困发生率、贫困缺口率、SPG指数、贫困承受等指数对样本村的贫困广度、深度及强度进行实证分析。研究发现:1)各地形区和各民族村的恩格尔系数、贫困发生率和贫困缺口指数三者之间的动态趋同度较高。2)各地形区和各民族村的贫困承受指数和SPG指数整体呈现逐年下降趋势,贫困状况向好趋势明显。3)各贫困村的脱贫时间在逐年缩短,扶贫工作取得切实成效,而黄土丘陵沟壑区贫困村的贫困广度、深度和强度是三地貌之最,扶贫负担仍然很重。村域扶贫对象的精准识别必须确保前期问卷设计的多维性,注重扶贫政策制定的均衡性、特殊性和资源分配的区域性,并要加强后期的技术动态监测与创新管理。



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