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Investigating the spatial distribution and effects of nearshore topography on Acropora cervicornis abundance in Southeast Florida




Dense Acropora cervicornis aggregations, or patches, have been documented within nearshore habitats in Southeast Florida (SE FL) despite close proximity to numerous anthropogenic stressors and subjection to frequent natural disturbance events. Limited information has been published concerning the distribution and abundance of A. cervicornis outside of these known dense patches. The first goal of this study was to conduct a spatially extensive and inclusive survey (9.78 km2) to determine whether A. cervicornis distribution in the nearshore habitat of SE FL was spatially uniform or clustered. The second goal was to investigate potential relationships between broad-scale seafloor topography and A. cervicornis abundance using high resolution bathymetric data. Acropora cervicornis was distributed throughout the study area, and the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic and Anselin Local Moran’s I spatial cluster analysis showed significant clustering along topographic features termed ridge crests. Significant clustering was further supported by the inverse distance weighted surface model. Ordinal logistic regression indicated 1) as distance from a ridge increases, odds of reduced A. cervicornis abundance increases; 2) as topographic elevation increases, odds of increased abundance increases; and 3) as mean depth increases, odds of increased abundance increases. This study provides detailed information on A. cervicornis distribution and abundance at a regional scale and supports modeling its distributions in similar habitats elsewhere throughout the western Atlantic and Caribbean. Acropora cervicornis is frequently observed and in areas an abundant species within the nearshore habitat along the SE FL portion of the Florida Reef Tract (FRT). This study provides a better understanding of local habitat associations thus facilitating appropriate management of the nearshore environment and species conservation. The portion of the FRT between Hillsboro and Port Everglades inlets should be considered for increased management and protection to reduce local stressors.
机译:尽管靠近许多人为压力源并经常发生自然干扰事件,但在佛罗里达州东南部(SE FL)的近岸生境中已记录到密集的鹿角藻聚集体或斑块。关于在这些已知的密集斑块之外的子宫颈曲霉的分布和丰度的信息已经被公开。这项研究的首要目标是进行空间广泛且包容性调查(9.78 km 2 ),以确定SE FL近岸生境中的宫颈曲霉分布在空间上是均匀的还是成簇的。第二个目标是使用高分辨率测深数据研究大规模海底地形与宫颈曲霉菌丰度之间的潜在关系。鹿角菌分布在整个研究区域,而Getis-Ord Gi *统计数据和Anselin Local Moran的I空间聚类分析表明,沿被称为山脊的地形特征有明显的聚类。逆距离加权曲面模型进一步支持了显着的聚类。顺序逻辑回归分析表明:1)随着距山脊距离的增加,子宫颈曲霉菌丰度降低的几率增加; 2)随着地形海拔的增加,丰度增加的几率增加; 3)随着平均深度的增加,丰度增加的几率也随之增加。这项研究提供了区域范围内子宫颈线虫的分布和丰度的详细信息,并支持对整个大西洋和加勒比海其他地区类似栖息地的分布进行建模。经常会观察到鹿角棘(Acropora cervicornis),并且在佛罗里达礁区(FRT)的SE FL部分沿岸的近岸生境中有丰富的物种。这项研究可以更好地了解当地的栖息地协会,从而促进对近岸环境和物种保护的适当管理。应该考虑在希尔斯伯勒(Hillsboro)和大沼泽港(Port Everglades)入口之间的FRT部分,以加强管理和保护,以减少局部压力。



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