首页> 外文期刊>Country Commerce: Poland >Organising an investment

Organising an investment


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The Code of Commercial Companies (2000) and the Act on Freedom of Economic Activity (2004) are the basis of Poland's regulation of business operations. They cover most forms of economic activity and have enhanced the attractiveness of the Polish market by streamlining some of the legal obstacles confronting foreign investors. The code defines foreign investors as individuals domiciled overseas, corporations with registered head offices abroad, business associations established by foreign individuals or companies under the laws of another country.Investors from member states of the EU and the European Free-Trade Association (which includes Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) may conduct economic activity on the same terms as Polish citizens. Other foreign investors need permits legalising their stay in Poland and allowing them to conduct commercial activities. Investors without these permits may establish limited partnerships, limited joint-stock partnerships, limited-liability companies or joint-stock companies. They also may purchase or acquire shares in these company forms. All legal entities must have individual bank accounts. Permits are required for mining operations, defence-related industries, fuel or energy operations, security services involving individual property, aviation services, and construction and operation of motorways.



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