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计算机配色的相关文献在1986年到2022年内共计120篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、自动化技术、计算机技术、物理学 等领域,其中期刊论文96篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献375319篇;相关期刊67种,包括自然科学进展、中国美容医学、中原工学院学报等; 相关会议5种,包括“亨斯迈”杯第六届全国染色学术研讨会、第十届全国包装工程学术会议、中国皮革工业协会第二届科技委员会第二次会议等;计算机配色的相关文献由225位作者贡献,包括张秉森、沈加加、周丰昆等。



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  • 张秉森
  • 沈加加
  • 周丰昆
  • 唐正宁
  • 杨颖
  • 王喜昌
  • 金福江
  • 韩蔚
  • 万晓霞
  • 司学锋
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 申冉
    • 摘要: 配色俗称调墨,配色时应先有样品色(一般由客户或本厂提供样品,也可以是孟塞尔HVC值或三刺激值),然后按照样品色的要求,将一种或几种油墨及辅助剂调配之后,使油墨具有某种特定的颜色和性能。计算机配色以其效率高、修正快、操作简便等优势可帮助印刷企业快速获取客户要求的理想色彩。
    • 陈三长; 金福江; 周丽春
    • 摘要: 为了获得单色料反射率随着可见光波长和染料质量占比变化的函数,提出一种单色料反射光谱曲面配色方法.首先,根据染料质量占比与可见光波长的范围将单色料反射光谱曲面划分为9个曲面片;然后,采用多项式建模方法,构建不同曲面片的单色料反射光谱曲面模型,并通过小样实验验证该方法的准确性.实验结果表明:通过有限组小样实验可以构建单色料反射光谱曲面,确定单色料反射率随着染料质量占比和可见光波长的变化关系,预测布匹在单色料染色后的颜色与目标色的色差.
    • 王波; 金福江; 周丽春
    • 摘要: 将单一染料染色反射光谱表示成由控制点和Bernstein基组成的Bezier曲线,分析单一染料质量分数与对应的Bezier曲线控制点之间的关系,建立单一染料染色反射光谱与染料质量分数的参数方程.根据多种染料拼色的机理,将多个单一染料染色的反射光谱Bezier曲线进行叠加,得到多种染料拼色的反射光谱Bezi-er曲线,并通过实际染色实验验证该方法的准确性.结果表明:当拼色染料的种类、质量分数和织物种类已知时,文中方法可以确定单一染料染色及拼色染色后布匹的反射光谱Bezier曲线和三刺激值,并预测布匹染色后与目标色的色差.
    • 程璐; 陈婷婷; 曹吉强; 王颖; 夏鑫
    • 摘要: 为提高色纺企业配色打样效率和配色效果,以Friele光学模型为基础,结合全光谱匹配配色算法,以某色纺企业的实际生产为例探讨色纺纱的计算机修色算法.首先随机确定21个混色标准样,分别从现有的80种单色棉纤维中选择2~4种计算拟合配比并打样,测得21组样纱的实际色差均值为2.36.将拟合配比进行赋值循环以计算标准样与仿样的反射率偏差最小时的配比调整量,用以修正拟合配比,并再次打样验证.结果 表明:拟合配比第1次修正后实际色差均值为1.215,其中最小色差为0.59;经第2次配比修正后,实际仿样与标准样的色差均值减小到0.67,且每组色差均小于1,即所设计的修色算法精确度较高,且适用于企业实际生产.
    • 崔翔宇; 夏鑫; 杨月茹; 张思雨; 程璐
    • 摘要: 探讨色纺纱计算机配色技术的发展现状.从色纺纱成色机理、配色算法、常用理论模型以及颜色评价等4个方面,分别总结了近年来的研究成果,评述比较了现常用的配色模型、算法及色差公式的优缺点.指出:基于Stearns-Noechel模型的算法优化相对成熟,可进一步发展应用;而针对现有色彩空间的不均匀与人眼建立相关性的困难,应对色差公式做出改进;评价颜色方法可从反射率偏差或配方偏差进行研究;此外,对色纺产品空间混色机理有待深入探究.
    • 鞠建军; 胡江华; 刘珩; 杨鑫; 许浩
    • 摘要: 甄选符合伪装要求的基础颜料,构建基础颜色数据库,建立色度坐标与颜料浓度之间的数学模型,利用多元非线性回归方法求解并验证模型回归系数,而后采用遗传算法对色样与已知背景色差函数求最小值,在色偏差允许范围内求出拟合背景的最佳颜料配比.通过随机选取自然背景中不同深浅的绿叶,将测量计算的色度值代入色差方程,根据求解出的颜色配比制备色板,验证与背景的实际色差,结果表明,根据建立的色度坐标与配比相关方程可求解不同背景色坐标的颜色配比,与背景实际色差小于3L*a*b*单位,满足迷彩伪装配色的准确性和高效性要求.本研究成果可为适应现地背景高融合迷彩伪装技术提供自动化配色支持.
    • 鞠建军; 胡江华; 刘珩; 杨鑫; 许浩
    • 摘要: 甄选符合伪装要求的基础颜料,构建基础颜色数据库,建立色度坐标与颜料浓度之间的数学模型,利用多元非线性回归方法求解并验证模型回归系数,而后采用遗传算法对色样与已知背景色差函数求最小值,在色偏差允许范围内求出拟合背景的最佳颜料配比。通过随机选取自然背景中不同深浅的绿叶,将测量计算的色度值代入色差方程,根据求解出的颜色配比制备色板,验证与背景的实际色差,结果表明,根据建立的色度坐标与配比相关方程可求解不同背景色坐标的颜色配比,与背景实际色差小于3L*a*b*单位,满足迷彩伪装配色的准确性和高效性要求。本研究成果可为适应现地背景高融合迷彩伪装技术提供自动化配色支持。
    • ZHANG Yan; ZHOU Shi-sheng; CAO Cong-jun; REN Peng-gang
    • 摘要: 基于吸光度与物质浓度的相关关系建立了一种PET薄膜印刷的混合油墨组分预测模型.该方法首先依据光的传播理论和光在墨层与承印材料中的多重内反射原理,利用基色和混合专色薄膜印品在黑白两色基底上的反射光谱,建立具有高透低反特性薄膜印品透射光谱的获取方法,并利用透射光谱求解吸收光谱;然后对专色吸光度与基色浓度进行回归分析,确定吸光度与基色浓度线性相关度高的特征波段,再根据郎伯比尔定律,利用特征波长处的专色样本吸光度与基色样本吸光度建立组分预测模型,求解专色样本的配方比例;最后,分析预测配方与预设浓度的偏差,并按照预测配方浓度重新打样,采用色差与光谱均方根误差对计算配方色与目标专色的匹配程度进行分析,验证模型精度.以凹印PET薄膜双基色混合样品为实验对象,对提出的方法进行测试.光谱分析表明,基色样本和专色样本光谱反射率曲线在黑白两种基底上有明显差异,但都随基色油墨浓度变化具有相同的变化规律,专色样本的光谱透射曲线随着基色浓度的变化接近浓度比例大的基色曲线,在400~580 nm区间,专色的吸收光谱随着基色油墨A浓度降低而升高,在580~700 nm区间随着基色油墨A浓度降低而降低.除570~590 nm吸收曲线相交区间以外,在可见光范围内专色油墨吸光度与基色油墨浓度之间的判定系数R2均大于0.95,平均值为0.9900,两者具有强线性相关关系.分别选取基色A和B波长为520 nm(R2为0.9942)和700 nm(R2为0.9985)处的吸光度代入配色模型,并利用最小二乘法求解目标专色的配方比例.实验结果表明,六组预测浓度与预设浓度相比较,配方平均偏差为2.5%,无显著偏差.配方色样本与专色样本色差最大值为1.98,最小值为0.30,平均值为0.85,均满足GMI对专色复制的要求,其中5组专色色差小于1.5,符合专色忠实复制的要求;6组专色的光谱均方根误差最大值为2.93%,最小值为0.49%,平均值为1.40%,基本实现了同色同谱的高精度颜色复制.验证了该方法对于提高专色油墨配色精度和改善PET薄膜印刷质量具有显著效果,可为PET薄膜专色配方预测提供科学方法.
    • 万星; 吕新广
    • 摘要: 为了获得高精度的配色样品, 提出了一种配色方法—成分分析配色法.该方法将化学分析法与计算机配色相结合, 其核心是选取与目标色成分最接近的油墨进行配色, 从而实现高精度的色彩匹配, 为计算机配色发展提供新的思路.与目标色成分相近的油墨配色效果验证:使用某种油墨印制目标色, 并用相同的油墨进行配色, 以实现目标色成分与配色色样成分的一致性.使用三个不同品牌的油墨对目标色进行配色, 比较配色精度及效率.使用泗联牌三种颜色油墨以任意比例通过印刷适性仪IGT-CI (荷兰) 印制目标色, 这些目标色包括间色和复色, 各3个色样;使用配色软件X-Rite color master (美国) 建立泗联、东洋、牡丹三个品牌油墨的配色基础数据库, 并对不同目标色进行配色.结果表明使用与目标色相同的泗联油墨的配色精度远高于东洋、牡丹两个品牌的油墨, 配色色差整体都很小, 校正1~2次就能得到小于1.0的色差, 最小达到0.36, 几乎实现了目标色的同色同谱匹配.实验验证了成分分析配色法的核心"选取与目标色成分最接近的油墨进行配色, 可以实现高精度色彩匹配"的可行性.判别目标色与配色油墨在成分上区别的化学分析工具探讨:为了判别目标色色料与配色油墨在成分上有区别, 尝试使用"红外光谱相似度"作为判别的分析工具.使用红外光谱仪Thermo Nicolet 6700 (美国) 测出泗联、东洋、牡丹三个品牌的三种颜色油墨的红外光谱图, 使用OMNIC软件中的相关性算法得到它们与目标色油墨的红外光谱相似度, 并计算出平均相似度;将各品牌油墨的红外光谱相似度与其配色实验的精度进行对比分析, 评价红外光谱相似度作为化学分析判别工具的有效性.结果表明泗联牌油墨与目标色的平均红外光谱相似度为100%, 东洋的为86.53%, 牡丹的为64.63%.当校正次数相同时, 泗联油墨配色色差最小, 配色精度最高;东洋次之, 是泗联油墨配色色差的2倍左右;牡丹最差, 是泗联油墨配色色差的3倍以上.配色结果与其红外光谱相似度的规律是一致的, 目标色油墨与配色油墨之间的红外光谱相似度越高, 越容易得到高精度的配色样品.实验证明了用成分分析配色法获得高精度的色彩匹配是可行的, 使用红外光谱相似度作为目标色与配色油墨在成分上的分析工具对判别配色精度是有效的.今后的工作将探讨红外光谱相似度与配色精度间的相关性数值关系, 以及进一步寻求更为有效的化学分析方法来判断目标色色料与配色油墨之间的成分关系.%To acquire the high-accuracy of samples from the computer color matching, a novel color matching method was proposed in this paper which combines chemical component analysis with computer color matching. The kernel of this method is to select the inks that are most similar to the printing inks of target colors, thus the high-accuracy color matching is achieved. This method can provide a new referential direction for future development of computer color matching. The verification of color matching effects was conducted using inks that were similar to target colors in composition. The target colors were firstly printed by printing inks, and then the color matching was carried out using the same printing inks to maintain the consistency between target colors and test colors of printing inks. In this paper, three different brands of printing inks were used to match colors with target colors, and the accuracy and efficiency of computer color matching from those printing inks were compared intuitively. The target colors were printed using three different colors Silian ink in arbitrarily proportions and volume, and they were obtained by using IGT-C1 printability tester (IGT Inc., Netherlands), and these target colorsranges included secondary and tertiary colors, with each color range having three samples, respectively. Three primary printing inks Cyan, Magenta and Yellow of three brands of printing inks—Silian, Dongyang and Mudan were used as basic inks to establish the fundamental database by X-Rite color matching software (X-Rite Inc., America), and then different target colors were matched with foundational database of three brands of printing inks respectively. The results showed that the color matching accuracy of the Silian ink outperformed the other two brands of printing inks because of the fact that Silian ink was used as the printing inks of target colors, and the holistic color differences of Silian ink were the smallest among the three brands of printing inks and the color differences less than 1.0 were achieved just after one or tw-ice corrections. The smallest color difference was acquired even 0.36 and from the spectrum matching, which implied that Silian ink almost achieved isomeric match with the target color. This experiment has verified the feasibility of the emphasis of component analysis—computer color matching method, which picks the most similar inks to the printing inks of target colors so that we can achieve a high-precision color matching. The chemical analytical tool assessing the difference between printing inks of target colors and color-matching test colors. To distinguish the printing inks of target colors and color-matching test colors from the component levels, the infrared spectral similarity was used as an analytical tool in this paper. The spectra of printing inks of three colors of the three brands were measured by the Thermo Nicolet 6700 Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, USA), and the infrared spectral similarities of the printing inks of target colors and color-matching were all obtained and then their average similarities were also calculated by the OMNIC software. Through the comparison between the infrared spectral similarities of different brands of printing inks and the precision of computer color matching experiment, the rationality and validity of the infrared spectra as a chemical analytical discriminant tool to evaluate similarity between inks of target colors and color-matching colors was verified. The results indicated that the similarity between spectra of Silian inks and printing inks of target colors was the highest and even reached 100%, while Dongyang inks offered a high similarity of 86.53%, and Mudan inks provided the lowest similarity of 64.63%. The results showed that when the number of correction was the same, taking color difference as the criteria of judgment, the color differences of color matching for Silian ink were the smallest and it meant this ink provided the highest accuracy of color-matching; and Dongyang ink took the second place, and its color differences were about twice as large as Silian ink; and the Mudan ink showed the highest color differences, and its color differences were three times more than those of the Silian ink. The result of computer color matching experiment was consistent with infrared spectral similarities results, and the principle suggested that the higher the infrared spectral similarity between printing inks of target colors and test colors was, the easier high precision color matching sample could be received. Conclusion and Prospect: The feasibility of the new color matching method which combines the component analysis and computer color matching to gain the high-accuracy color-matching samples was proved by experiments and result analysis. Use the infrared spectral similarity as an analysis tool to distinguish the difference in components between the printing inks of target colors and test colors is feasible, which can be an effective criterion for determining the color matching accuracy. Future research will focus on probing into the correlative numerical relationship between infrared spectral similarity and color-matching precision, and further seeking more effective chemical analytical method to estimate the componential relationship between printing inks of target colors and color-matching test colors.
    • 李婵; 万晓霞; 吕伟
    • 摘要: 因光学特性(吸收系数与散射吸收)与组分比例不呈严格的线性关系,基于K-M理论的配色模型无法保证比例预测精度,针对上述问题,建立了油墨组分比例预测模型与方法.首先利用与组分比例具有强线性相关性的特征波长处的光谱反射率倒数值替换K-M配色理论中的吸收系数与散射系数,引入非线性项,构建油墨混合呈色模型;然后在此基础上建立油墨组分比例预测模型.以两组二元基色油墨混合样本为例,对提出的油墨组分比例预测模型及方法进行验证.实验结果表明,文中方法可预测获得与真实结果较为接近的组分比例,两组实验样本的预测平均偏差分别为1.57%和3.6%,可为目标样油墨组分比例预测提供一种新的方法.
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