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handle的相关文献在1987年到2022年内共计129篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、常用外国语、信息与知识传播 等领域,其中期刊论文75篇、专利文献54篇;相关期刊51种,包括新经济导刊、计算机应用研究、语言教育等; handle的相关文献由219位作者贡献,包括王昆、镇锡惠、周光勇等。



论文:75 占比:58.14%


论文:54 占比:41.86%





  • 王昆
  • 镇锡惠
  • 周光勇
  • 刘相池
  • 卢仁谦
  • 汪硕
  • 谢人超
  • 霍如
  • 黄韬
  • 于海斌
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献






    • 赵润心; 陈少花(指导)
    • 摘要: This year I tried making Guanpu oil fan, a unique folk art in Fu’an, Fujian. With the necessary materials, I began my work under the guidance of a master craftsman. First, I put a thin strip(条)through a small hole drilled on each side of the bamboo joints (竹节)above the handle of the fan, which is regarded as the “shoulder of the fan”.
    • 摘要: The Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Technology follows the core practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics(COPE)and handles cases of research and publication misconduct accordingly.Ethical Guidelines for Authors 1.The Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Technology does not allow dual publication(the same material published twice in the peer reviewed literature),or dual submission(the same material simultaneously submitted to more than one journal).2.The Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Technology does not tolerate plagiarism,data or figure manipulation,knowingly providing incorrect information,inaccurate author attributions,failures to declare conflicts of interest and fraud.This list is not well-rounded-if there is uncertainty of what constitutes such actions,then more resources may be found at the Committee on Publication Ethics(COPE).
    • Ahmed Lateef Alkhaqani
    • 摘要: Dear editor Health care workers are generally predisposed to injuries from sharps as a health hazard.This is more pronounced among waste handlers.Exposure to medical waste in hospitals and health facilities results in injuries and contagious diseases.Therefore,health workers,including nurses,doctors,technicians,and hospital cleaning workers,are always alerted to exercise the utmost caution and not to be exposed to the waste produced by the patient,especially through cuts or scrapes from the patient’s sharp injuries,touching or inhalation or exposure to spills or splashes of liquids from medical waste or any waste resulting from patient care or contact with his body fluids[1].
    • 摘要: The Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Technology follows the core practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics(COPE)and handles cases of research and publication misconduct accordingly.Ethical Guidelines for Authors 1.The Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Technology does not allow dual publication(the same material published twice in the peer reviewed literature),or dual submission(the same material simultaneously submitted to more than one journal).2.The Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Technology does not tolerate plagiarism,data or figure manipulation,knowingly providing incorrect information,inaccurate author attributions,failures to declare conflicts of interest and fraud.This list is not well-rounded-if there is uncertainty of what constitutes such actions,then more resources may be found at the Committee on Publication Ethics(COPE).
    • 摘要: The Double Take column looks at a single topic from an African and Chinese perspective. This month we discuss how we can handle fear of networking with people.Deal With It LIU JIAYING A 28-year-old teacher in Beijing.
    • Carl Sandburg
    • 摘要: There are no handles upon a language Whereby men take hold of it And mark it with signs for its remembrance.It is a river,this language,Once in a thousand years Breaking a new course Changing its way to the ocean.It is mountain effluvia Moving to valleys And from nation to nation Crossing borders and mixing.
    • 李露露; 王俊宇
    • 摘要: 药品安全直接关系人民群众的身体健康和生命安全。为推动药品信息化追溯体系建设,国家药品监督管理局相继发布了10项药品信息化追溯标准,采用“多码并存、多系统并存”方案,允许药品上市许可持有人和生产企业可以自主选择编码方式建设药品追溯系统,药品信息化追溯监管将面临新的局面.本文针对药品追溯存在的问题研究药品标识解析技术,并针对基于工业互联网的Handle解析技术,设计药品标识注册和解析流程,并开发了原型系统进行验证,实现了多编码、多系统情况下的药品标识解析以及药品追溯数据互通共享,能够为Handle标识解析技术在实际药品追溯场景中的应用提供参考示例。
    • Helen
    • 摘要: Half of all work tasks will be handled by machines by 2025 in a shift likely to worsen inequality,a Worid Economic Forum(WEF)report has forecast.The think tark said a"robot revolution"would create 97 million jobs worldwide but destroy almost as many,leaving some communities at risk.Routine or manual jobs in administration and data processing were most at threat of automation,WEF said.
    • Nancy; 高瑾(画)
    • 摘要: 1.Long time ago,a man named Ivan made a living(谋生)by making umbrella handles.2.Ivan also planted some fruit trees in his yard to earn more money.However,the only pear tree never bore any fruit.
    • Nanbo GONG
    • 摘要: The success of memory technology is of vital importance in order to handle emerging mass amount of data in our daily lives. Let us take one example here: The IBM summit is the supercomputer released in 2018 and it plays an important role to help researchers run large numbers of calculations and better understand COVID-191). To enable such powerful computing capability, the IBM summit includes250 petabytes storage capacity2). To make a fair comparison, this is larger than the total number of all the ants we can find on the earth(on the order of 1016–1017)3).
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