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hands的相关文献在1985年到2022年内共计98篇,主要集中在常用外国语、外科学、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文90篇、专利文献8篇;相关期刊40种,包括中国新时代、上海教育科研、外科研究与新技术等; hands的相关文献由145位作者贡献,包括刘乃铭、刘权利、孙炜等。



论文:90 占比:91.84%


论文:8 占比:8.16%





  • 刘乃铭
  • 刘权利
  • 孙炜
  • 张振川
  • 林鹏羽
  • 舒帅
  • 苑河南
  • 莫敏香
  • 蒋慧琴
  • 马岭
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • Xilin CHEN
    • 摘要: Hands play an important role in our daily life.We use our hands for manipulation in working,emphasis in speaking,communication in non-verbal environment,etc.Hand gesture not only uses for simple commands in traffic control,but also extends as a kind of language-sign language.In the areas of VR/AR and HCI,understanding hand and its action can greatly improve user experience.This covers a broad topics related to hands,including hand detection,tracking,hand pose estimation,gesture recognition,and sign language translation.Four papers are collected in this issue.They cover different topics related to hand and gesture.
    • Bai Yang; Zhang Jinruo; Zheng Qi
    • 摘要: As peoples and countries of the world join hands in fighting against the novel coronavirus epidemic,a few politicians and media in some countries deliberately link China with the novel coronavirus,which is extremely irresponsible actions of disrespecting science,ignoring WHO decisions and stigmatizing China.
    • 摘要: 7月/JUL夏日之王The Kings of Summer少年们在夏日的密林中寻找自由的人生。Boys and girls look for a freelifeinthesummer jungle.牛仔裤的夏天2TheSisterhoodof the Traveling Pants 2牛仔裤让我们重聚,其余的都掌握在我们手里。Thetravellingpants bringustogether;the rest are in our hands.
    • 陈传光; 仲悦
    • 摘要: The new term began.In the first class,our head teacher said that we needed a new monitor.Anyone can be the monitor so long as he is responsible and good at communication.She asked us to raise our hands unless①we wanted to be the monitor.To her surprise,eight out of thirty students raised their hands.So we were asked to write down the names of ideal monitors on a paper②.
    • Monica Torres
    • 摘要: 使用含酒精的免洗洗手液是一种方便的手部卫生方法。但仅仅喷一些洗手液在手上,然后快速擦拭,并不意味着洗手液已经发挥了它应有的最佳作用。Keeping your hands clean is a critical component of protection against the spread of the coronavirus.
    • Jonathan Galvao Tenorio Cavalcante; Maria do Desterro Costae Silva; Jessiane Tenorio da Fonseca Silva; Clarissa Cotrim dos Anjos; Renata Sampaio Rodrigues Soutinho
    • 摘要: Introduction: Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is the second most frequent cause of death in the world. Nevertheless, most victims do survive and need treatment, and hand function is one that has to be dealt with in the rehabilitation process. Kinesio®?Taping (KT) is a bandaging method that can be applied along the muscle fibers to provide stimulation. Studies have shown its efficacy in providing afferent stimuli to weakened muscles, thus eliciting contraction with greater recruiting of motor units and inducing neuroplasticity. Benefits to the paresthesia hand have not been reported. Objective: Investigate the effects of KT on hand function in hemiparetic patients. Material and Methods: An evaluator-blinded, randomized clinical trial involving stroke victims was carried out in a physical therapy outpatient clinic. One group underwent KT intervention and the other was a control group. The Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) and the Box and Block Test (BBT) were used as assessment tools. A data entry form was used in the Epi-info 7 software and descriptive statistics was thus calculated. The software BioStat 5.0 was employed when doing statistical tests. Associations were regarded as statistically significant when p 0.05. Results: Eight individuals were randomly assigned to two groups. All those who had received treatment with KT had spasticity improved by one point, but there was no significant improvement in BBT. Conclusion: KT was effective when it came to improving spasticity and it may be an option in rehab, but it had no effect on gross manual dexterity. Nevertheless, it can be of help as part of a functional training program.
    • 潘钰红
    • 摘要: 一味地要求学生规规矩矩地听他们讲课,学生丧失了学习数学的兴趣.这是最可怕的境界.小学生的数学学习应该大量采用操作实验、自主探索、大胆猜测、合作交流、积极思考等"做数学"的活动方式.
    • 鲍勃·迪伦; 付文中
    • 摘要: 赏析:鲍勃·迪伦(1941-),美国著名民谣艺术家、摇滚歌手、诗人,2016年诺贝尔文学奖获得者。其作品恢复了音乐与诗之间的重要联系,语言质朴而富含哲理,旋律简洁而优美。著名民谣“永远年轻”饱含了迪伦对年轻人最殷切的期望:愿你永远帮助别人,愿你正直、真诚,愿你永远了解真理,愿你永远勇敢无畏、意志坚定,愿你总是忙碌充实,愿你梦想成真,永远开心,永远年轻。
    • 谢明亮
    • 摘要: 在牛津教材8 B unit 5的Study skills这一板块中,有这么一句话"many hands makes light work"(其实就是人多力量大的意思)。所以,在英语教学过程中,教师也应该鼓励学生主动参与到学习中去,并引导学生积极与他人合作,通过合作和互动,分析问题,解决问题,从而将学生个人的听、说、读、写各方面的综合语言运用能力提高。在实际教学过程中,我也是把我班学生分成了几个大组,由英语成绩相对优秀的
    • 摘要: 乐乐要去美国的姑妈家作客一个月,妈妈希望他在那里能展示来自礼仪之邦的风采,所以在出发前给了他一些礼仪提示,朋友们来看看,是不是你也做到了?1.Always show your respect for your eiders.要尊敬长辈。2.Help your friends when needed.朋友有困难时,要主动帮忙。3.When others are talking,don’t interrupt.不要打断别人的讲话。4.Wash your hands before eating.吃东西前先洗手。5.Don’t talk with your mouth full.满嘴食物时别说话。6.Call before visiting.作客前,先与人约定。
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