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hardly的相关文献在1980年到2023年内共计39138387篇,主要集中在常用外国语、化学、工业经济 等领域,其中期刊论文191篇、专利文献39138196篇;相关期刊74种,包括南都学坛、青年记者、语数外学习:高中版等; hardly的相关文献由50000位作者贡献,包括不公告发明人、王伟、张伟等。



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论文:39138196 占比:100.00%





  • 不公告发明人
  • 王伟
  • 张伟
  • 王磊
  • 李伟
  • 张磊
  • 刘伟
  • 王勇
  • 张涛
  • 李强
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • Hu Yukun
    • 摘要: For ASEAN countries,the COVID-19 conundrum this spring has become even more difficult,exacerbated by the Omicron variant and Russia-Ukraine conflict.The region’s key tourism industries have been among the hardest hit,and are now regarded by these governments as the launch pad for economic recovery.Now that the answer,reopening borders to international tourists,is becoming increasingly clear to leaders of these countries,that move is only the easy part.Unilateral effort by ASEAN alone will hardly boost its tourism to pre-pandemic levels.
    • 王权
    • 摘要: Wearing high heels and lipstick,straight⁃backed,stylish,four“chic(时髦的)grandmas”with an average age of more than 68,can still walk the walk with a sassy(时髦且自信的)internation⁃al swagger on the T stage.But these are not trained models.They are,in fact,ordinary retirees.But they all share a love for fashion,and they came together to add a bit of sparkle(亮点)to their lives.They share a common goal now,but their backgrounds could hardly be more dif⁃ferent.
    • 袁丹纯
    • 摘要: 中山早茶,引人心醉;五味俱全,人间清欢。The dietary culture in Zhongshan features Lingnan regional cuisine of Guangdong,which is the paradise for those who expect a slow-pace and relaxing morning. Walking through the highways and byways of Zhongshan, you could hardly resist the enticement of smells and flavors coming from all around you. If you ask Zhongshan locals what wakes them up each morning, yum cha would be most people’s answer.
    • 李红娟
    • 摘要: 这位年轻的脱口秀演员正试图通过他的表演来“刷新”人们对视障人士的认识。主题语境:人与社会篇幅:361词建议用时:7分钟1 Seeing how easily Gao Xiang moves on⁃stage,one can hardly notice that the stylish stand⁃up comedian has any problems with vision.
    • 温从秀
    • 摘要: (一)美句速记1.such...that...It has become such an important part in my life that I can hardly imagine what life would be like without music.它已成为我生命中重要的一部分。真的很难想象,如果没有音乐,(我的)生活将会怎样。
    • 郭政
    • 摘要: To learn P.E.well,you need to learn the English expressions of each of the following first,or you can hardly understand what your P.E.teacher says and you’ll fail to follow your P.E.teacher’s orders in class.
    • Jessica; 沈阿希(画稿)
    • 摘要: Aladdin and The Magic Lamp节选The next day,Aladdin packed his luggage and left with the magician.After walking quite a distance away from the city,Aladdin asked,"Oh my uncle,where are we going?We have left the city behind usand have reached the barren wilderness(荒郊野岭).I feel tired nowand can hardly walk any further."
    • 蒋建平
    • 摘要: 半个世纪以来流行音乐在节奏和音调方面的变化,揭示了当代美国人情绪和情感的走向。We blast the upbeat tunes for parties and workouts at the gym, and we save the low-key ballads for romantic or pensive moments. It’s hardly a new idea that music is intertwined with our emotions.
    • 秦云
    • 摘要: 同源副词,主要指同一个形容词的两种不同的副词形式,即一种副词形式与它的形容词同形,另一种副词形式则由该形容词加后缀-ly构成。不少同学对同源副词含义理解不当,混淆不清,导致出现误用。对此,笔者就初中英语中同源副词的含义进行了分析,以期同学们能够准确把握,避免混淆。一、hard与hardly在英语中,形容词hard有两种副词形式,一种副词形式为形容词原形,即hard,有"艰难地,费力地,猛烈地,努力地"等多种含义。
    • Hong-Xi Xu; Zhi-Xiu Lin
    • 摘要: Introduction Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)has continued through centuries to this day since the ancient times and has contributed greatly to the well-being maintenance and disease treatment in China.[1-3]Before the ushering in of Western medicine into China in the 19th century,TCM had been the major healthcare and medical modality in Chinese communities.[4]This ancient art of healing has not diminished over time;conversely,it is now widely accepted by patients both in China and around the world owing to the shift of the disease spectrum and the rise of the“return to nature”paradigm.Moreover,TCM is attracting increasing attention from research circle worldwide.[5]At present,TCM is used in approximately 45%of the world’s countries,and a large amount of Chinese medicine raw materials is exported from China,and some of these Chinese medicines are collected directly from the wild.[6,7]Owing to the popularity of Chinese medicine around the world,the natural resources required for Chinese medicine production can hardly meet the rapidly increasing demand.Wild herbal resources are decreasing by approximately 30%every year.[5,8,9].
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