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军卫一号的相关文献在1998年到2021年内共计340篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、预防医学、卫生学、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文337篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献12255篇;相关期刊63种,包括中国医疗设备、医疗卫生装备、医疗装备等; 相关会议3种,包括第二十一届全国病案管理学术会议、中华护理学会第5届全国消毒供应中心发展论坛、2004年全国中药研究暨中药房管理学术研讨会等;军卫一号的相关文献由677位作者贡献,包括刘长兴、王兴强、刘国伟等。



论文:337 占比:2.68%


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论文:12255 占比:97.30%





  • 刘长兴
  • 王兴强
  • 刘国伟
  • 彭小斌
  • 张宗然
  • 石磊
  • 张文峰
  • 林根深
  • 赵英良
  • 侯鹏
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 陈雅萍; 盛科华; 王东
    • 摘要: 文章介绍了联勤保障部队第九○四医院通过构建军卫一号系统与医药招采服务与监管平台对接,实现医院医药产品采购流程信息化管理.通过对军卫一号医院信息系统进行改造,增加采购、验货、退货、查询等平台服务功能,并开发监控信息上报程序,实现自动化采集监控数据并上报,提高了数据上报的及时性和准确性,对进一步规范医药采购数据监测与管理具有一定的促进作用.
    • 胡孝霆; 朱孟军; 任军营; 李亮; 王世东; 李玉超
    • 摘要: 运用存储区域网(SAN)技术实现"军卫一号"服务器硬件升级、操作系统从Windows server 2008至Windows server 2012升级以及数据库版本从Oracle 10g至Oracle 11g的升级和备份,确保医院信息系统7×24 h不间断运行.该技术通过搭建SAN以及故障转移群集,完成Oracle版本升级以及数据库迁移,服务器性能得到明显提升.该方案对医院正常业务影响较小,安全可靠.
    • 孙文桥; 石磊; 彭滢; 何建
    • 摘要: Objective: To adopt scoring management method that was just like "driving license" of traffic management and combined with the actual working procedure of the hospital to manage drug administration, cost control and medical quality control so as to severely punish the medical malfeasance. Methods: The extensible markup language (XML), message queue, middleware connector, storing process and other techniques were adopted as bridge and bond to butt joint the hospital information system (HIS) and " driving license style" medical service management system. And then the new management system was further designed and optimized. Results: Since the "driving license style"medical service management was referred to implement management from October 2016, the quality awareness of diagnosis and treatment of doctors were obviously strengthened, and the self-control and department-control also were obviously strengthened. And the proportion of drug, proportion of material and health insurance cost were sharply decreased, and the flaws of medical record also were reduced. Conclusion: The successful docking of HIS of " No.1 Military Medical Project" and "driving license style" medical service management system can integrate the information of patient, information of doctor's advice, cost information and drug information in a monitoring platform, and take doctor's advice, drug, hospitalization cost and other data to form a circulation path with more conciseness, higher efficiency and safety. Therefore, it can enhance the automatic level of three-grade management, and can enlarge the extensions of HIS.%目的:结合医院医疗服务流程,将药品监管、费用控制和医疗质量控制借鉴采用交通管理中的"驾照式"记分管理办法,严处医疗违规行为.方法:采用可扩展标记语言(XML)、消息队列、中间件接口及存储过程等技术为桥梁和纽带,使医院信息系统(HIS)与驾照式医疗服务管理系统对接,设计并优化"驾照式"医疗服务管理系统.结果:自2016年10月起,参照"驾照式"的医疗服务管理,医师的诊疗质量意识明显增强,自我管控和科室管控的作用明显加强,药占比、材料比及医保费用大幅度降低,病历缺陷明显减少.结论:"军字一号"HIS与"驾照式"医疗服务管理系统成功对接,可将患者信息、医嘱信息、费用信息和药品信息统一到1个监控平台,使医嘱、药品、医疗费用等数据形成更加简洁、高效及安全的业务循环路径,能够提高三级管理的自动化水平,扩大HIS的外延.
    • 孙文桥; 石磊; 彭滢; 何健
    • 摘要: 目的:设计"驾照式"积分制处方权管理系统,以控制抗生素、辅助用药、激素、麻醉等药物的滥用,确保医疗服务安全合理.方法:利用Java开发工具、Oracle 10g数据库、SSH(Struts+Spring+Hibernate)框架开发系统.采用可扩展标记语言(extensible markup language,XML)、数据抽取技术ETL、消息队列(MessageQueue)、中间件接口技术、存储过程等技术将"驾照式"积分制处方权管理系统嵌入医院信息系统(hospital information system,HIS)中,进行处方电子权限的控制.结果:自2016年10月应用该系统后,医师的质量意识明显增强,医师自我管控和科室管控的作用显著,药占比、材料比、医保费用大幅度降低,病历缺陷明显减少.结论:"军卫一号"HIS与"驾照式"积分制处方权管理系统成功对接,把患者信息、医嘱信息、费用信息和药品信息统一到一个监控平台,提高了三级管理的自动化水平,也扩大了HIS的外延.
    • 李想; 苏玉成; 杨艳华; 蒋昆
    • 摘要: 目的 替换我院承载HIS系统的IBM小机,同时进行数据库升级.方法 通过大量的调研、论证、测试与沟通,建立全新的服务架构,明确了数据库升级目标,确定了最为安全、稳妥的迁移方案.结果 实现了既定时间内的数据库切换,并且排除相应故障,完成HIS迁移工作.结论 通过此次迁移验证了在X86架构下HIS系统稳定运行的可能,同时提高了医院HIS系统的健壮性、稳定性、安全性,保障了医院主要业务的正常开展,为未来医院更多业务的展开打下了坚实的基础.%Objective To replace the IBM small server which running HIS system in our hospital and updata the database at the same time. Methods Through research, demonstration, testing and communication, a new service structure was set up, the target of database upgrade was cleared, and the most safe and reliable migration plan was determined. Results The database switch within a given time was realized and the corresponding fault was eliminated. The HIS migration was completed at last. Conclusion The possibility of stable operation of HIS system under the X86 architecture is verified by the migration, the robustness, stability and safety of HIS is improved, and the normal development of the main businesses of the hospital are ensured. Finally, it has laid a solid foundation for the further development of hospital business.
    • 曹原; 陈坤蕾; 范卫刚
    • 摘要: Objective To upgrade No.1 Military Medical Project database from Oracle 8.17 to Oracle 11g so as to solve the problems of server overloading and client terminal failing to connect to the server due to excessive concurrent databases. Methods Exp/Imp and Toad tools of the database were used to generate and modify the upgrade statements as well as to import and export database data,so that the inter-platform and-version database upgrade could be carried out.Results The database was upgraded and the system's operation speed was enhanced greatly.Conclusion The upgrade scheme has easy operation,short time consumed,zero data loss and high reliability,and thus is worthy promoting in medium-and small-scale hospitals.%目的:解决服务器负载过重及数据库并发数过多导致客户端无法连接的难题,实现"军卫一号"数据库从Or-acle 8.17到Oracle 11g的平稳升级.方法:利用数据库自带的导入/导出(Exp/Imp)工具以及Oracle应用开发工具(tools of Oracle application developmers,Toad),生成并修改相关升级语句,导出、导入数据库数据,实现数据库的跨平台、跨版本升级.结果:成功实现了数据库升级,系统运行速度大大提高.结论:该方案简便易行、升级时间短、可操作性强、数据零丢失,系统运行稳定,适合中小医院推广应用.
    • 高明; 石磊; 何健
    • 摘要: 目的 开发一套软件系统改变新农合参保患者跨省转诊后需返回参合地手工结算的现状,实现联网结报.方法 沿用"军卫一号"的用户界面和操作方式,在相关环节调用市级平台的Webservice接口.结果 该系统成功实现了新农合患者跨省转诊的登记、结算以及相关数据统计等工作,结束了新农合跨省转诊患者返回参合地报销的历史.结论 本系统在实际应用中达到了预期的功能,并取得了良好的效果.
    • 侯鹏; 赵阳; 薛启勋
    • 摘要: 设计一个集成方案,解决HIS与PACS两个系统之间的数据共享,实现两个系统间的无缝对接.综合利用oracle视图、存储过程等技术手段,结合医院HIS与PACS的数据交换流程,设计接口集成.该集成方案可以从HIS里获取检查申请单信息,进行自动计费,并将检查报告和影像回传到HIS.通过合理设计集成方案,充分发挥了PACS系统的作用,优化了就诊流程,提高了医院的运转效率及水平.
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